Do you have questions about No-Till, Cover Crops, or Soil Health? Do you know how implementing no-till and cover crops can improve the soil and can even benefit you financially? Are you curious to know how other farmers in this area are implementing these practices?
If so, please join the Venango Conservation District for their first Agricultural Roundtable Meeting. This Roundtable will be a discussion forum regarding no-till, cover crops, and soil health, lead by No-Till Specialist and retired NRCS Agronomist, Joel Myers. Joel is a lifetime farmer and has been practicing strict no-till on his Pennsylvania farm for 30 years and implementing cover crops for 12 years. Joel, along with other local agricultural specialists will be there to discuss these topics, technical and financial assistance programs for farmers, and any questions you may have. This is a great opportunity to meet with other local farmers to hear about what types of practices they are implementing on their operations, and to hear how certain farming practices work in regards to crop land in this area. There will be an $8.00 registration fee to help cover meal costs and materials. Registration is required by January 30th, 2015. For more information or to register, please contact Becky Deeter at the Venango Conservation District by calling 814-676-2832 or by email [email protected]. AFTERNOON MEETING - 11am - 2pm at King's Restaurant in Franklin PA EVENING MEETING - 5pm - 8pm at King's Restaurant in Barkeyville PA
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August 2024